지반분야 기술 개발의 글로벌 리더

현장시험시공을 통한 폐기물매립지반의 지오셀 보강효과분석

페이지 정보

작성자 지오알앤디 댓글 0건 조회 2,446회 작성일 21-07-20 14:10


58b532cbe9e8c9a342fb96dbc410537a_1626756512_6658.gif 저자 : 김종민, 박이근, 오영인, 이광수

58b532cbe9e8c9a342fb96dbc410537a_1626756512_6658.gif 수록지 : 2010 한국토목섬유학회 봄 학술발표회 논문집

58b532cbe9e8c9a342fb96dbc410537a_1626756512_6658.gif 년도 : 2010

Reinforcement Effect of Geocell Reinforced Waste Landfill Ground by in‐situ Plate Loading Test

[ 초 록 ]

Many industrialized countries of the world have many problems about the reuse of waste landfill area because the increase of terminated waste disposal landfill. Especially, the effective use of the terminated waste landfill nearby the urban area has been demanded, because of the lack of the usable land. However, the reuse of terminated waste landfill is needed an adequate stabilization of ground for increasing the bearing capacity and reduce the allowable settlement for the given structure. This study is to evaluate the reinforcement effect of geocell for the increment of bearing capacity of solid waste landfill ground. The in-situ plate loading tests were performed to determine the static behaviors of reinforced ground with geocell. Three series of test were conducted with variations of ground condition and geocell reinforcement. Based on the in-situ plate load test results, the bearing capacity of geocell-reinforced ground gives 1.53 times higher value than un-reinforced ground.



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